Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Treatment Delayed By Few Days

Location: Hospital's Daycare Room, Pune
I had to make a trip to the hospital today to get my central line (which surprisingly is not in the center of my body but on my left arm) dressed again. Central line is a catheter that relieves me of all the pricks to draw blood or to inject intravenous medicines. The only downside of central line is that it can be easily blocked if blood clots inside it. To prevent clotting an anti-coagulant is injected inside it. I make a trip every week to get the central line region cleaned and anti-coagulant reinjected. A colleague of mine tells me that with the bandaged arm I look like a batsman all set to enter the field with a protective elbow guard.
I met my doctor in the daycare. He announced that my biospy report was good. What it means is that my bone marrow has undergone remission - no bad cells in the vicinity. The report came few days later than expected. Consequently, my treatment will be delayed by a few days.
Tomorrow I will be visiting my doctor again. He wants to have one more counselling session with me before the treatment starts. Will it be a counselling session or a "cancelling" session where he would euphorically announce that I don't need a transplant? The escapist in me never seems to give up!


  1. that is good. some times it is better late but not ever now. counselling if replaced by cancelling will be a big boost. let usjoin ur will power. till then enjoy t20 world cup. ledgy australians bck home. a good punishment. rest fine. usa party also fine.

  2. Re: The escapist in me never seems to give up!

    You are f*#king hilarious Kartik :).
