Thursday, June 18, 2009

Off for Harvesting!

My treatment will gain further momentum starting today. I will get admitted tonight. Tomorrow they will put a catheter in my groin area to extract the stem cells. They do this because the vein in that region is wide enough to handle the suction from the machine. The procedure of extracting and storing stem cells will take a good 5 to 6 hours of time. They will repeat extraction on Saturday.
My WBCs have soared from 4300 to 25K in just 2 days flat! Harvesting will only commence if the count exceeds 50K.
For most of the time tomorrow I will be horizontal on the bed and might not be able to use my laptop. I will be back on Sunday to share the details of my harvesting.
Until then it is goodbye from me. Please don't worry even a bit. I am keeping in good spirits.